Hello! So im experiencing with networking in unity. I have two scenes in my project, a main menu and a level1. In the main menu when you set up a server i execute the next few lines of code
if(GUI.Button(Rect(100,250,200,50), "Start server"))
PlayerPrefs.SetString("ServerName", serverName);
Network.InitializeServer(numberOfPlayers,serverPort, false);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SelectedLevel", 1);
So in this case i am the host and i load the level perfectly fine.
In the loaded level (level1) i have a game object with a network managging script wich managges two things : a GUI menu where you can select your Character and instantiate it with a button press with Network.Insantiate()
and send an RPC to the connected palyers to load the same level, here is the code snipet :
function OnPlayerConnected (networkpalyer : NetworkPlayer)
networkView.RPC("SendLevel", RPCMode.OthersBuffered ,PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SelectedLevel"));
function SendLevel (level : int)
It works fine, the connected Client is loaded the same level as expected.
On the host side i can move around and see the connected player also moving around but on the client side i can only see the loaded level and my self and i cant see the player who hosted the game.
I have no clue how to solve this problem, its like the client is connected to a nother server but we are on the same server and the host can see both players and also interact whit the other player, like i can push him around but this movement doesnt seen on the Client side.
Any ideas?
How this thing is usually done?